Dr. Levin is a highly trained physician with a primary specialty of Internal Medicine and a sub-specialty in Nephrology. He earned his bachelors and Medical Degree from the University of Louisville in Louisville, Kentucky. After earning his Medical Degree Dr. Levin moved to New York where he completed his Internship and Residency in Medicine at Brooklyn Jewish Hospital (now called Interfaith Hospital) and was named Chief Resident in Medicine. Upon completion of his Internal Medicine training Dr. Levin was selected for a prestigious Fellowship in Nephrology at Brookdale Hospital in Brooklyn, New York. During that Fellowship Dr. Levin was awarded an NIH Research Grant for his work in hypertension research and authored/coauthored numerous published original medical research articles. His training included exposure to all aspects of Internal Medicine and Nephrology including diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, liver disease, urological disease, and included extensive training in hypertension. Dr. Levin moved to Glen Cove, New York, where he has been in private practice since completing his Fellowship. During his time in Glen Cove Dr. Levin has had the honor to be the Founder of the Renal Service at Glen Cove Hospital and served for a time as Deputy Medical Examiner for Nassau County.  As a member of the American Medical Association, Dr. Levin has dedicated his life to the health of his patients. He recognizes patient-centered care with a focus on prevention as the best approach to medicine and works with each patient to develop the right treatment plan for them.